SEO for your website from €150/month

SEO for your e-commerce site from €350/month
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Professional personalized services
Because every project is unique, Web Alliance offers you customized solutions based on your industry, your competitors and your strategy. We’ll work with you to assess your needs and objectives, so that we can provide you with the best possible expertise.
Remember, 100% of visitors are potential customers!
Our methodology
SEO is a long-term strategy. The results come gradually, thanks to the regular work of our teams.
We organize our SEO services into 5 areas of work spread over 1 year.
Project management
These make it possible to closely monitor the way in which visitors navigate through your site.
Keywords: Naturally, you want your site to be in first position, but which keywords?
Competition: We carry out a study of your competitors to guide your development strategy.
Positioning: Our team of experts carries out a complete study of your search engine positioning.
Gestion de projet
Tout au long de la prestation, vous bénéficiez d’un chef de projet dédié qui vous présentera une analyse régulière de votre trafic et de ses actions. Un bilan périodique sera effectué sur l’ensemble des axes de travail ci-dessus.
Ce bilan périodique nous permettra aussi de mesurer et d’adapter nos stratégies en fonction de l’évolution de vos concurrents, du marché et des moteurs de recherche et de vous apporter des réponses précises en fonction de vos besoins.
Natural referencing: Are you visible?
At a time when the web is becoming more and more competitive, natural referencing (or SEO) is a major stake in the success of your project. Today, it’s the cornerstone of your Internet strategy and a real gas pedal.
Of all the traffic-acquisition solutions available, SEO is both a long-term solution and, above all, the most profitable, giving you a return on investment in terms of sales and Internet visibility.

Millions of websites

market share
clicks on the first 3 results

Statistical sources: AFNIC, Médiamétrie, Chitika
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SEO 250
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SEO 350
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Optimize your site’s SEO
To go even further, we also offer complementary packages for content writing, linkbuilding, hosting, domain name management and technical support to optimize your website.